About Margaret
I have been privileged to hold the positions I have in our Community. My background is in community building, business development, relationship management, volunteerism and being a mom.
I have proudly served Ward 8 as your City Councillor for the past 4 years. Experiencing the pandemic was demanding for everyone. Our Council worked together to nimbly react to the challenges we confronted. Leadership counts. I have served as Kitchener Trustee on the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) where I supported Kitchener students, parents and staff, worked with fellow trustees and staff to manage a budget of over $638 million, and served the WRDSB's 63,000 students and 5,000 staff. As a Business Developer at the University of Waterloo, I help businesses find the talent they need to succeed by creating meaningful jobs for co–op students and develop new business partnerships in co-operative education. Before being elected I was a member of the City of Kitchener Economic Development Advisory Council and served on the City’s Property Standards Committee. I am a member of the Service Review Panel for Co-operators of Canada. I have also been an Elder at Knox Presbyterian Church. In addition I have served as Chair and Board Member of Emmanuel at Brighton Child Care Centre, Co–Chaired the St Jacob’s Family Birthing Home Board, as well as having served and chaired on three school Parent Councils. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier University and a Post–Graduate Degree in Adult Education from Brock University. I raised my daughters Allie and Sydney here in Ward 8 and I live in Ward 8's Westmount neighbourhood. |