Current Ward 8 Councillor’s Motion Record from December 06, 2010 to September 15, 2014
Ward 8 Councillor Janecki’s activity at the City of Kitchener Council meetings.
· (Total motion activity (42) in 31 meetings of 134 meetings, or 23%).
Most motions were “housekeeping” in nature, such as moving an agenda along, rather than motions that introduced new ideas or changes
One original motion can be found that asks for a change – a motion “requesting permission to replace a legal non-conforming billboard sign”. (Council Meeting 2012-01-16).
42 motions
Council Meeting and Special Council Meeting Records
(Source - Go to City of Kitchener Public Records
Council Minutes 2010-12-06 – Inaugural - Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki; Seconded by Councillor P. Singh "That this inaugural meeting of City Council be adjourned." Carried.
Council Meeting 2010-12-20 Present
Special Council Meeting 2010-12-20 Present
Council Meeting 2011-01-10 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-10 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-17 Present
Council Meeting 2011-01-24 Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor F. Etherington "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-24 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-02-07 Present
Council Meeting 2011-02-14 On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, the minutes of the regular meeting held January 24, 2011 and special meetings held January 24 & February 7, 2011, as mailed to the Mayor and Councillors, were accepted.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. loannidis "That Tender T10-121, Supply and Delivery of Tires and Related Services, be awarded to Bast Tire & Auto Services Limited, Waterloo, Ontario, at their adjusted tendered price of $142,148.86, plus H.S.T. of $18,479.35, for a total of $160,628.21, for one (1) year, with an option to renew for four (4) additional twelve (12) month terms." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor F. Etherington "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the proceedings and the recorded pecuniary interests and conflicts taken in the meeting of the Committee of the Whole held this date, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes are hereby adopted and confirmed." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-02-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-01 Present
Council Meeting 2011-03-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-21 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-03-28 Councillor Z. Janecki challenged the Mayor's ruling. Mayor C. Zehr put the following question to the Council: "Will the ruling of the Mayor be sustained?" The ruling of the Mayor was sustained by a majority vote of the Council.
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-04-11 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-04-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-04-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-02 Present
Council Meeting 2011-05-09 Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried Unanimously.
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-09 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-30 Present
Council Meeting 2011-06-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-20 Present
Council Meeting 2011-06-27
-On motion by Councillor K. Galloway, seconded by Councillor P. Singh, Clause 8 of the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee report of this date was brought forward for consideration to approve a 200m sidewalk installation on Old Mill Road, between Sydenham Street and Pinnacle Drive, as part of the Old Mill Road Forcemain Replacement project. Councillor K. Galloway expressed support for compliance with the City's Pedestrian Charter and the need to have safe and accessible passages for all. She added that no lands are being expropriated as the sidewalk is to be installed on City-owned lands and suggested that there is need to work on streets where there is a disconnect to provide connectivity on at least one side of a street.
Councillor D. Glenn-Graham advised that while he supports safety, he was not in support of the sidewalk installation given the petitions presented and statements made that suggest a low volume of motor vehicle traffic. He added that sidewalk installation could be reconsidered at a later date if traffic volumes increase sufficiently to warrant further review. Councillor J. Gazzola was also not in support of the sidewalk installation given the majority of area residents are opposed. He stated that safety concerns, while valid, have not been an issue in the area and the installation will have impact to the heritage vista. Councillor Z. Janecki also opposed the sidewalk installation on the basis of its impact to the heritage features of the roadway, commenting that notwithstanding no buildings are designated they do have heritage value in dating back to the 1800's.
Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee be adopted." In regard to Clause 2 of the report, dealing with endorsement of a statement of Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, Mayor C. Zehr commented that the document is important in setting the tone for how the City will internally and externally address diversity and inclusion in daily business practices. Councillor Z. Janecki expressed difficulty in supporting the motion based on an uncertainty of the financial impact. Councillor J. Gazzola suggested that questions have not been answered in respect to how and what will be done and no indication has been given as to where problems exist, if any. He stated that he would oppose any form of a quota system and suggested that notwithstanding he would support the motion, more information is needed. Councillor Y. Fernandes expressed the opinion it should be common sense to ensure the best person is hired for the job and questioned how this initiative is to be rolled out. Ms. C. Ladd advised that what Council is being asked to approve this date is a statement of commitment to clearly indicate that addressing diversity and inclusion is an important priority for the City and this community. Staff is not asking for more funding or additional staff at this time, but rather will develop a strategy and a business plan over the coming months that will determine a recommended course of action for Council's consideration and direction. She added that diversity is not necessarily so much about programming as it is about educating and invoking a culture of understanding to be integrated into the Corporation's daily business practices. Councillor K. Galloway stressed the importance of understanding what is being asked this date and pointed out that any requests for funding support will have to come through future budget processes and be prioritized with all other budgetary matters. Councillor B. loannidis stated that he did not understand why costing has been raised as an issue at this time and suggested that the City must be forward thinking in all that it does. Mayor C. Zehr added that what is being endorsed does not in any way relate to a quota system but rather is a statement of principle. The Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee report was then voted on clause by clause Clause 2 -Carried, on a recorded vote. In favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, B. loannidis, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, S. Davey, F. Etherington and P. Singh Contra: None Absent: Councillor B. Vrbanovic Balance of report -Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-27 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-07-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-02 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-15
-Council considered a recommendation arising from the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting this date concerning the Southwest Urban Area Studies
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor K. Galloway “That the Southwest Urban Area Studies: Community Master Plan, including supporting studies, prepared by The Planning Partnership et al., dated February 2011 as updated, be adopted; and, That Official Plan Amendment application 11/01/COK/JvW (Rosenberg Secondary Plan), to designate and redesignate lands located in the Southwest Urban Area (generally along Fischer Hallman Road from south of Rockwood Road to north of Plains Road and westerly along Bleams Road to Trussler Road) to a variety of land uses including: Mixed Use 2, Mixed Use 1, High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential 2, Medium Density Residential 1, Low Density Residential 2, Low Density Residential 1, Neighbourhood Institutional, Neighbourhood Park, Open Space and Natural Heritage Conservation and to amend existing Official Plan Maps 4, 5 and 8 and , in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment 90 attached to Part 3, be adopted Community Services Department Report CSD-11-100 as Appendix ‘B’, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, That the studies prepared in support of the Rosenberg Secondary Plan, including the Preliminary Noise Assessment (HGC Consultants, June 2011), Fischer Hallman Road Conceptual Streetscape Plan (The Planning Partnership, June 2011), Comprehensive Stormwater Management Strategy (AMEC, June 2011 as updated), Sanitary Servicing Overview (Engineering, July 2011), Transportation Assessment (Poulos & Chung) be adopted; and, That a new planning community titled, “Rosenberg” be created for lands subject to OPA 90 formerly application OP11/01/COK/JvW (known as the Southwest Urban Area) and that the Trussler and Huron Community boundaries and any mapping and policies be modified accordingly; and, That the remainder of the lands identified as ‘Areas Under Study’ and ‘Deferral 3a’ on Map 5-Land Use Plan of the City’s Official Plan that are outside of the Rosenberg Secondary Plan be reviewed as part of the new Official Plan or separate Official Plan Amendment Process; and, That any previous decisions on Official Plan Amendments within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area (i.e. former Industrial/Business Park City approvals) be rescinded; and, That landowners within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be respectfully requested to withdraw any existing private-initiated Official Plan Amendments within the subject area; and, That the proposed collector roads within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be named as shown on Schedule ‘A’ of Official Plan Amendment No. 90; and, That the timing of development application and infrastructure consideration for the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be referred to the Kitchener Growth Management Plan 2011 process for consideration by Committee of Council; and, That a potential future street between Fischer Hallman Road (near existing Plains Road intersection) and future Strasburg Road extension generally following the current City Urban Area boundary as conceptually illustrated in Appendix ‘A’ of Report CSD-11-100, be referred to the City’s Transportation Master Plan for future consideration; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to extend the planned iExpress bus service southerly on Fischer Hallman Road to a future transit hub south of Huron Road at an appropriate, yet early stage, of development of the Rosenberg Community; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to investigate the feasibility of a future Regional Road/Regional Road network enhancement that would provide an alternative route to by-pass Fischer Hallman Road before Huron Road and connect Highway 7/8 at Trussler Road/Ira Needles Boulevard with Highway 401 as conceptually illustrated in Appendix ‘A’ of Report CSD-11-100; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to advance the timing of the Class Environmental Assessment for Fischer Hallman Road and City staff be directed to expedite the Strasburg Creek Flood Control Environmental Assessment (Stantec) and any required revisions to the Fischer Hallman Road Culvert Class environmental Assessment; and, That staff be permitted to undertake appropriate/necessary grammatical and editorial changes to Official Plan Amendment 90 and application 11/01/COK/JvW (Rosenberg Secondary Plan), prior to those documents being considered by Regional Council; and, That staff continue to undertake discussions to address issues raised by stakeholders prior to approval being granted by the Region of Waterloo; and further, That Policy 5. of Section 5 Water Management contained in the Rosenberg Secondary Plan be replaced with the following: ‘The City of Kitchener shall complete the Strasburg Creek Flood Control Environmental Assessment (Stantec) prior to approvals of development applications for lands north of the Williamsburg Cemetery and recommendations made as part of the environmental assessment may impact development applications within the affected study area.’ " Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote by all members present.
Council Meeting 2011-08-29
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date was brought forward for consideration to list certain properties on the Municipal Heritage Register as non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest. Moved by Councillor K. Galloway Seconded by Councillor P. Singh "That Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be amended to provide that consideration to list 2091 Bleams Road on the Municipal Heritage Register as a non- designated property of cultural heritage value or interest in accordance with the Statement of Significance attached as an appendices to Community Services Department report CSD-11- 080, be deferred to the September 19, 2011 Council meeting to allow the property owner(s) to have further dialogue with the City's Heritage Planning staff as to what is involved in the process of listing the property." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be adopted, as amended." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-29 Present – In-Camera.
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-12 Present
Council Meeting 2011-09-19
-A motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor S. Davey, was brought forward to defer consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting to allow members of Council absent this date to be present during deliberation of the application. Mr. R. Gosse, Director of Legislated Services and City Clerk, clarified Council procedure in respect to the ability to hear delegations in light of the deferral motion, advising that the deferral motion is only debatable in terms of timing and would have to be voted on and defeated in order to proceed to hear the delegations this date. Mr. Gosse also clarified that in the event this occurs and deferral is desired subsequent to hearing the delegations, a motion to reconsider the issue of deferral would then be required.
Councillor Z. Janecki's motion to defer the matter was then voted on and LOST.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That Council re-consider its earlier decision not to defer consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting."
A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Councillors B. Vrbanovic, S. Davey, K. Galloway, Z. Janecki, B. loannidis, D. Glenn-Graham and P. Singh. Contra: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillor F. Etherington. Carried, with required 2/3 majority.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive be deferred to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting to allow members of Council absent this date to be present during deliberation of the application." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-19 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-26 Present
Council Meeting 2011-10-03 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-03 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-17 Present
Council Meeting 2011-10-24
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date, as amended, be adopted.” Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” Voted on Clause by Clause Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-24 Present
Special council Meeting 2011-11-01 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-07 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-11-14
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date was brought forward for consideration. Mr. Don Wright, Paid4Power Inc., spoke on behalf of the owner of 103 St. Clair Avenue, advising that the intent of installing the solar panels is to supplement retirement income. He stated that the manufacturer has indicated that they cannot produce functioning panels in a triangular shape and the only solution is to provide a false triangular panel that would not produce electricity. Mr. Wright advised that his client is willing to comply with the guidelines on the basis of the proposed alternative approach.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor J. Gazzola "That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be amended to provide that Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-021 requesting permission to install solar panels at 103 St Clair Avenue be approved subject to the applicant submitting revised drawings and specifications for black solar panels with black frames to match the shape of the roofline; and final building permit drawings being reviewed and clearance issued by Heritage Planning staff prior to issuance of a building permit." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-17 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-28 Present
Council Meeting 2011-12-05 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-12-05 – Not Adopted Present - In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2011-12-21 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-09 Present
Council Meeting 2012-01-16
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. loannidis "That the application of T. A. Witzel Limited (SG 2011-015 -Victoria Street North (adjacent to Shirley Drive) requesting permission to replace a legal non-conforming billboard sign having static copy with a billboard sign of the same size having automatic changing copy in a P-3 zone whereas the Sign By-law does not permit billboard signs in a P-3 zone, on Part Lot 123, German Company Tract, Victoria Street North (adjacent to Shirley Drive), Kitchener, Ontario, BE APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owner shall apply for and receive approval of a sign permit from the City of Kitchener for the proposed sign. 2. That the owner shall remove the non-complying third party (T.A. Appliance) billboard sign prior to receiving a sign permit from the City of Kitchener." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-19 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-30 Present
Council Meeting 2012-02-06
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Clause 4 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report was brought forward for consideration to approve the Zone Change Application for 1180 Countrystone Drive with a Special Regulation Provision to permit a maximum of 24 dwelling units, inclusive of duplexing. Councillor B. Vrbanovic stated that while Provincial legislation calls for greater intensification, good planning principles dictate a necessity to provide transition between different housing types. He requested clarification as to why a transition in housing type was not provided for in this instance. Mr. Willmer advised that the principles of planning apply and the test of compatibility was taken into consideration. He added that City staff worked with the Applicant to make changes to the site plan and in staffs’ opinion, it is appropriately compatible with the neighbourhood. He commented that transition is one way to achieve compatibility, but even where there are single family dwellings immediately adjacent to stacked townhouses this does not imply an absence of compatibility. He advised that the Planning Act as well as the City’s Official Plan speaks to the need for a variety of integration, which includes a variety of housing types and affordability ranges in a neighbourhood. He stated that staff consider all legislative requirements and weight these when making a recommendation on a zone change application. He added the very fact these townhouses may be priced differently than the neighbouring properties does not pose a problem from a planning perspective, given the diversity promoted by the City’s Official Plan. Responding to further questions, Mr. Willmer pointed out that if the number of units was reduced to
16 standard townhouses the massing would remain the same. He added instead of the stacked townhouses, the 16 units would be two-storey standard townhouses with finished basements. He noted that while the interior size of each unit would change, the main visual difference to the exterior would be the number of required parking spaces. He stated that such a difference is a matter of degree and opinion as to whether more parking would make this development less compatible with the neighbourhood. He indicated that it is the recommendation of the City’s Planning staff that the proposed 29 units would be compatible. Clause 4 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report to permit a maximum of 24 dwelling units was voted on and as a result of a tie on a recorded vote, with Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, F. Etherington, Z. Janecki, and D. Glenn-Graham voting in favour; and, Councillors B. Ioannidis, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, P. Singh and B. Vrbanovic voting in opposition. Councillor J. Gazzola was absent from this meeting. Mayor C. Zehr indicated that procedurally a determination needs to be made with respect to the subject Zone Change Application, as no status is currently afforded to it. LOST
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Clause 5 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report was brought forward for consideration to direct staff to work with the property owner through the site plan approval process for Zone Change Application ZC 11/07/C/GS for Will-O Homes (C.S) Inc. at 1180 Countrystone Drive to provide for four specific site design elements. A motion was brought forward by Councillor Y. Fernandes, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to amend Clause 5 to add a further site design element requiring the construction of an eight-foot high sound barrier between the parking area of the proposed development and the rear-yards of the abutting residential properties. Mayor Zehr commented that he knows of no other neighbourhood within the City that has an eight- foot high noise attenuation wall separating two residential housing types, adding that it would not be appropriate for the area. Several Councillors spoke in support of the comments made by Mayor Zehr, suggesting that such a barrier would only worsen the impact of the proposed townhouse development and its integration into the neighbourhood. LOST
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic “That Clause 6 of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee report be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-02-06 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-02-27 Present
Council Meeting 2012-03-05 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-05 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-19 Present
Council Meeting 2012-03-26 Councillor Z. Janecki was in attendance for part of the meeting.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor J. Gazzola “That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-26 Problems with loading the document from Cof K Web Site
Council Meeting 2012-04-23
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That consideration of Committee of Adjustment Submission FN 2012-002 (289 Overlea Drive), to allow time for staff to discuss this matter with the two affected property owners.” be deferred to a future Council meeting Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-04-23 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-07 Present
Council Meeting 2012-05-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-28
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That notwithstanding the direction given at the May 14, 2012 Council meeting, the Clerk shall postpone publishing the Notice of Intention to designate the property known as 324 Old Huron Road pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, until such time as draft approval has been given to Draft Plan of Subdivision (30T-11202), as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-12-055." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That the following properties in the former Village of Bridgeport, municipally addressed as 574, 595-599, 598-600, 606, 609 and 616 Lancaster Street West, not be listed on the Municipal Heritage Register as non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest as the original built structures have lost historical integrity due to a high degree of alterations." Carried.
Council Meeting 2012-06-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-18 Present – In-Camera
Council Meeting 2012-06-25
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, the minutes of the regular meeting held June 11, 2012 and special meetings held June 11 & 18, 2012, as mailed to the Mayor and Councillors, were accepted.
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-25 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2012-08-13 Present
Council Meeting 2012-08-27 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-08-27 Present
Council Meeting 2012-09-17
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham, To defer consideration of Committee of Adjustment Submission No. FN 2012-005 (47 Gravel Ridge Trail) to the October 1, 2012 Council meeting to allow time for staff to investigate the need to adjust the height of the fence to alleviate possible safety issues. Councillor K. Galloway advised that at the Committee of Adjustment meeting staff had indicated there were no pedestrian or vehicular safety issues present, as the fence is located outside of the corner visibility triangle and the driveway visibility triangle. Councillor Janecki’s deferral a recorded vote with Councillors Y. Fernandes, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, J. Gazzola and P. Singh voting in favour; and, Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, F. Etherington, B. Vrbanovic, B. Ioannidis and K. Galloway voting in opposition. LOST
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Clause 1 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report to refuse Zone Change Application ZC12/010/W/GS for Islamic Humanitarian Service at 60 Washburn Drive, be adopted.” A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, D. Glenn-Graham, B. Ioannidis P. Singh, Z. Janecki, J. Gazzola, F. Etherington, B. Vrbanovic and K. Galloway Contra: Councillors Y. Fernandes and J. Gazzola. Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Clause 2 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report of this date, be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-09-24 Present
Council Meeting 2012-10-01 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-10-15 Present
Council Meeting 2012-10-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-10-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-05 Present
Council Meeting 2012-11-19
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That pursuant to Section 25.7.15 of Chapter 25 of the Municipal Code (Council Procedure), the following motion adopted by Council on October 22, 2012, be reconsidered: ‘That consideration of the following recommendation to designate 7 Floral Crescent be deferred to the (Rockway Gardens), under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, February 4, 2013 Council meeting to allow time for the completion of the Rockway feasibility study and business case analysis: ‘That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property known as 7 Floral Crescent (Rockway Gardens), as being of cultural heritage value and interest, with specific recognition given to Rockway Gardens being identified as a cultural heritage landscape.’” Questions were raised regarding the current condition of Rockway Gardens as well as the adjacent Rockway Seniors Centre, located at 1405 King Street East. Mr. M. May, Deputy CAO – Community Services, advised that he is unaware of any changes and / or threats that might negatively impact those properties between now and when the proposed designations are to be considered at the February 4, 2013 Council meeting. He confirmed that Phase I of the Rockway feasibility study and business case analysis is done; however, the specific heritage attributes pertaining to those sites will not be known until Phase II has been completed. Councillor Janecki advised that he does not have any information regarding an imminent threat to Rockway Gardens. He stated that the proposed reconsideration was being brought forward as it seemed that at the October 22, 2012 Council meeting the designation of Rockway Gardens got intertwined with the designation of the Rockway Seniors Centre. He suggested that as the anticipated feasibility study primarily relates to the future use of the Rockway Seniors Centre, there is no reason why the City should not move forward with issuing the Notice of Intention to designate Rockway Gardens. Councillor Janecki’s motion to reconsider was then voted on a recorded vote with Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes and F. Etherington voting in favour; and Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors B. Ioannidis, K. Galloway-Sealock, S. Davey, B. Vrbanovic and P. Singh voting in opposition. LOST
-Councillor Janecki’s motion to reconsider was then voted on and on a recorded vote, with Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes and F. Etherington voting in favour; and Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors B. Ioannidis, K. Galloway-Sealock, S. Davey, B. Vrbanovic and P. Singh voting in opposition. On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report was brought forward for consideration, recommending the designation of 500 Stauffer Drive as cultural heritage resources under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to defer consideration of this matter to the December 3, 2012 Council meeting, to allow time for additional information to be provide as to what occurred at the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting. Councillor Galloway-Sealock expressed concerns with Council considering the proposed designation of 500 Stauffer Drive. She indicated that the minutes from the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting have yet to be circulated; and therefore, Council is unaware of the reasoning behind the subject recommendation. She added that while Council receives a copy of the Heritage Kitchener meeting agenda, at times it is circulated up to six weeks prior to when Council considers the recommendations from Heritage Kitchener. She suggested that in the future, the pertinent Heritage Planning staff reports should be re-circulated with the Council agenda. Carried
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor “That the balance of the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to defer consideration of Clause 1 of the Committee’s report to the December 3, 2012 Council meeting, to allow time for additional information to be provide as to what occurred at the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting. Councillor Galloway-Sealock expressed concerns that Council was being asked to render a decision on this matter without information as to the context within which Heritage Kitchener made its recommendation. She reiterated her previous request to have the pertinent Heritage Planning staff reports re-circulated as part of Council’s agenda package. Mr. M. May agreed to work with Legislated Services staff to ensure that in the future Council receives all of the materials necessary to render a decision. In response to questions regarding the Heritage Kitchener recommendations, Mr. J. Willmer, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), clarified that the house at 397 Gravel Ridge Trail, was previously located on Bleams Road and referred to as the Eby Estate Farmhouse. He advised that the former landowner, the developer and the City identified that the farmhouse had significant cultural heritage value, adding that the house was moved so that it could be conserved and incorporated in a prominent location in what is now the existing Eby Estate Subdivision. He stated that the Notice of Intention to designate was approved by Council in 2007; however, shortly thereafter the building was damaged by a fire. He noted that with the restorations now complete and the plan of subdivision registered, consideration can be given to passing the designating by-law. Councillor J. Gazzola, spoke in opposition to the proposed deferral, indicating that the four members of Council who sit on Heritage Kitchener attended the November 6, 2012 meeting and confirmed the information that was conveyed by Mr. Willmer. He noted that at this time Council is only being requested to direct staff to prepare the designating by-law, which would be brought forward for consideration at a later date. LOST
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-19 The following were nominated for Chair of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee: Councillors Z. Janecki and B. Vrbanovic. The approved voting procedure was then utilized which resulted in Councillor B. Vrbanovic being appointed as Chair. Councillor Z. Janecki was appointed Vice-Chair.
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-26 Present
Council Meeting 2012-12-03
-A motion was brought forward for consideration by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, directing the Clerk to publish a Notice of Intention to designate 500 Stauffer Drive pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, listed as item 7 a) under Unfinished Business. Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; econded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property municipally addressed as 500 Stauffer Drive, as being of cultural heritage value or interest.” Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2012-12-03 Present – In-Camera
Council Meeting 2012-12-17 Councillor Z. Janecki declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Tier 1 Community Grant proposed for the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Orchestra, as he is a member of the Board of Directors; and accordingly, did not take part in any discussion or voting regarding this matter.
Special Council Meeting 2012-12-17 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-17 (Budget) Present
Council Meeting 2013-02-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-02-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-02-25
- Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Beverley Glenn- Graham be appointed to Heritage Kitchener as the Committee's representative from the Civic Centre Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District for a term expiring November 30, 2014." Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-03-04 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-04 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-18 Present
Council Meeting 2013-03-25 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-25 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-08 Councillor Z. Janecki nominated Ms. Megan Renkema to fill the vacant position on the KPL Board. Councillor B. Vrbanovic expressed concern with the not approving the recommendation that was put forward by the KPL Board. He cautioned Council against second guessing the membership evaluation process undertaken by the KPL, commenting that they would be more familiar with which of the 23 applicants would best meet their needs. The approved voting procedure used for appointments to Committees was then utilized, resulting in Erin Rudland being appointed to the KPL Board.
Council Meeting 2013-04-15 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-15 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-23 Present
Council Meeting 2013-04-29 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-29 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-06 Present
Council Meeting 2013-05-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-27 Present
Council Meeting 2013-06-10
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Tender T13-038 – One (1) 19,504 kg (43,000 lb.) G.V.W. Single Rear Axle Conventional Team Cab and Chassis complete with Side Dump Sander Body and Front Plow be awarded to Truck Centres (London) Limited, London, Ontario, at their tendered price of $167,508.71, plus optional hydraulic cable operated wing of $18,270., plus H.S.T. of $24,151.23, for a total of $209,929.94.” - and - “That Tender T13-039 – One (1) 93 kw (126 net peak horse power to ISO 9249) Standard All-Wheel Drive Rubber Tired Industrial Tractor with Front End Loader and an Extendable Toromont CAT, Cambridge, Ontario, Backhoe, be awarded to at their tendered price of $162,499., plus Optional training/operation video of $125., plus Optional OEM training for mechanical staff of $2,400., plus H.S.T. of $21,453.12, for a total of $186,477.12.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-033 – Consultant Services – King Edward Neighbourhood Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, Ontario Road Reconstruction be awarded to at their estimated fee of $449,350., including contingencies of $40,850. plus H.S.T. of $58,415.50, for a total of $507,765.50, based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - IRC Building “That Expression of Interest E13-015 Roof Consulting Services, be awarded to Sciences Group Inc, London, Ontario at their estimated fee for a period of three years with an option for one additional one year period.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-050 – Consultant Services – Development Charge Hemson Consulting Background Study and Draft Development Charge Bylaw, be awarded to Ltd., Toronto, Ontario at their estimated fee of $148,343., plus H.S.T. of $19,285., for a total of $167,627., based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-049 Consultant Services – 2013 Bridge Investigations, be K. Smart Associates Limited, Kitchener, Ontario awarded to at their estimated fee of $39,693.50, including ontingencies of $3,608.50 plus H.S.T. of $5,160.15, for a total of $44,853.65, based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - “That Tender T13-040 – Resurrection Drive SWM Facility (650006) Retrofit, be awarded to 2220742 Ontario Ltd., Milton, Ontario including provisional items and contingencies of $82,630., plus H.S.T. of $65,261.72., for a total of $567,274.97.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-035 – Consultant Services – Five (5) Year Fire Master Plan, Dillon Consulting Limited, Kitchener, Ontario be awarded to at their estimated fee of $75,800., plus H.S.T. of $9,854., for a total of $85,654., based on a satisfactory contract eing negotiated and an upset fee being established.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-10 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-17 Present
Council Meeting 2013-06-24 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-24 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-08-12
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey “That leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for three readings and that the same be taken as read a first, second and third times, be finally passed and numbered serially by the Clerk. (a) Being a by-law to amend By-law 2011-101 to extend the time period for exemption from Part Lot Control – Blocks 2,3 and 7 and Part of Blocks 1, 4, 5 and 8, Registered Plan 58M- 365 – Deer Creek Street. (By-law No. 2013-097) (b) Being a by-law to amend Chapter 650 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code with respect to Lot Maintenance. (By-law No. 2013-098) (c) To confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council. (By-law No. 2013-099).” Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-08-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-08-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-09 Present
Council Meeting 2013-09-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-16 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-30 A special meeting of City Council was held at 1:22 p.m. this date, chaired by Acting Mayor Z. Janecki with all members present except Mayor C. Zehr and Councillor B. Vrbanovic.
Council Meeting 2013-10-07
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey "That pursuant to Section 25.5.5(b) of Chapter 25 of the Municipal Code (Council Procedure), Mr. Harald Drewitz be permitted to address Council this date regarding Kitchener Utilities gas supply program, which was not listed on the Council agenda." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2013-10-21
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor F. Etherington, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, to approve Tender T13 -072 (Washroom Construction, Victoria Park) as outlined in Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS -13 -144, by incorporating the funding options outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS -13 -089. Clarification was requested as to how the proposed motion differentiated from the one originally considered at the September 16, 2013 Council meeting, which was subsequently the subject of a motion to reconsider at the September 30, 2013 special Council meeting. Mayor C. Zehr ruled that Councillor Etherington's motion was in order, advising that he was bringing forward the original tender recommendation, which was not dealt with at the September 16, 2013 meeting. He added that what was dealt with at that time was a separate motion by Councillor B. Vrbanovic which directed staff to work with the low bidder to reduce the project's cost. He stated that the original staff recommendation contained in Report FCS -13 -144 was never put on the table. He added that had the original motion been put forward and then the amendment, it would have been considered separately. He noted that as it was, the original motion was not dealt with by Council. In response to questions, Mr. C. Goodeve, Deputy City Clerk, advised that Robert's Rules of Order dictates that a motion is out of order if it has substantially the same intent or asks substantially the same question as a motion that was previously voted on. He confirmed that ultimately, it is the meeting chair's responsibility to determine if a motion is in order.
Councillor S. Davey challenged the Mayor's ruling Mayor Zehr put the following question to Council: "Will the ruling of the Mayor be sustained ?" The ruling of the Mayor was Sustained on a recorded vote, with Mayor C. Zehr, and Councillors B. Vrbanovic, K. Galloway - Sealock, D. Glenn- Graham, F. Etherington, P. Singh and B. loannidis voting in favour; and, Councillors J. Gazzola, S. Davey and Z. Janecki voting in opposition. Councillor Y. Fernandes was not in attendance and accordingly did not vote on this matter. Councillors J. Gazzola and Z. Janecki expressed concern with the interpretation that Councillor Etherington's motion was in order and left the meeting at this time. An amendment was brought forward by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham, seconded by Councillor P. Singh to change the concrete walkway proposed for the washrooms in Victoria Park to an asphalt
walkway, which was voted on and was LOST.
-Moved by Councillor F. Etherington Seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic "That Tender T13 -072 (Washroom Construction, Victoria Park) as outlined in Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS -13 -144, be approved, by incorporating the funding options outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS -13- 089." A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors K. Galloway - Sealock, B. loannidis, B. Vrbanovic, D. Glenn- Graham and F. Etherington Contra: Councillors S. Davey and P. Singh Absent: Councillors Y. Fernandes, Z. Janecki and J. Gazzola Motion Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-10-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-10-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-11-18 Present
Council Meeting 2013-11-25
-Councillor Z. Janecki requested that Clause 5 of the Committee report be voted on separately. Voted on clause by clause. Clause 5 — Carried, on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-02 Present
Council Meeting 2013-12-09 Councillor Z. Janecki declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Tier 1 Grant allocation to the K -W Community Orchestra, listed as Clause 3 on the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee report as he is a member of that organization; and accordingly, he did not take part in any discussion or voting regarding that matter.
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham recommending that consideration of the installation of a sidewalk on the north side of Glasgow Street from Westmount Road to Knell Drive, be referred to the January 13, 2014 Community and Infrastructure Services Committee meeting to allow time for staff to prepare a report on this matter. Councillor S. Davey requested that staff include information as to the terminus of the sidewalk and whether it is anticipated to be extended in the future beyond Knell Drive. Councillor D. Glenn- Graham requested that the staff report should also address any possible risk management concerns with a sidewalk adjacent to a golf course; the varying standards in relation to bus stops; the narrowing of Glasgow Street as a traffic calming measure; and, any tree preservation measures in the subject area. Councillor Z. Janecki indicated that he would be organizing a meeting with the delegations, the City and staff from the Region of Waterloo to discuss some of these matters prior to this item coming forward on January 13, 2013. Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham
"That consideration of the installation of a sidewalk on the north side of Glasgow Street from Westmount Road to Knell Drive, be referred to the January 13, 2014 Community and Infrastructure Services Committee meeting to allow time for staff to report back with additional
information regarding issues related to the proposed sidewalk. Carried Unanimously.
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-09 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-12 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-01-13 Present
Council Meeting 2014-01-27
-At the request of Councillor Z. Janecki, it was agreed to amend Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report to include the word “North” following Cedar Street. Carried.
Special Meeting Council 2014-01-27 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-01-30 BY-LAW FOR THREE READINGS
Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis “That leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council and that the same be taken as read a first, second and third times, be finally passed and numbered 2014-016 by the Clerk.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-03 Present
Council Meeting 2014-02-10 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – On motion, the Council resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole to consider its agenda and Mayor C. Zehr appointed Councillor Z. Janecki as Chair. On motion, the Council rose from the Committee of the Whole and Mayor C. Zehr occupied the Chair.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That the proceedings and the recorded pecuniary interests and conflicts taken in the meeting of the Committee of the Whole held this date, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes are hereby adopted and confirmed.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-10 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-24 Present
Council Meeting 2014-03-03 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-03 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-17 Present
Council Meeting 2014-03-31 Present – nothing
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-31
-Councillor Z. Janecki requested that Clause 2 of the Committee report be voted on separately. Voted on clause by clause. Clause 2 — Carried, on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2014-04-07 Present
Council Meeting 2014-04-14 Present
Special council Meeting 2014-04-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-04-28 Present
Council Meeting 2014-05-05
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey “That Tender T14-032 – Stirling Avenue (East Avenue to Weber Street) Road Reconstruction, Regional Sewer and Watermain Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario be awarded to at their tendered price of $1,370,149.70, including provisional items and contingencies of $136,325., plus H.S.T. of $178,119.46, for a total of $1,548,269.16.” -and - Bomar “That Tender T14-031 Phase 2 Expansion of Williamsburg Cemetery , be awarded to Landscaping Inc., Guelph, Ontario at their tendered price of $389,885., plus provisional items of $31,516.80, plus H.S.T. of $54,782.23, for a total of $476,184.03.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-05 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-12 Present
Council Meeting 2014-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-09 Present
Council Meeting 2014-06-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-23 Present
Council Meeting 2014-06-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-08-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-08-25 – Not Adopted Present
Council Meeting 2014-08-25 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-09-08 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-09-15 – Not Adopted Present
Council Meeting 2014-09-15 - Not Adopted Present
Ward 8 Councillor Janecki’s activity at the City of Kitchener Council meetings.
· (Total motion activity (42) in 31 meetings of 134 meetings, or 23%).
Most motions were “housekeeping” in nature, such as moving an agenda along, rather than motions that introduced new ideas or changes
One original motion can be found that asks for a change – a motion “requesting permission to replace a legal non-conforming billboard sign”. (Council Meeting 2012-01-16).
42 motions
- 18 report adoptions
- 8 deferral / referral
- 5 motions to vote clause by clause
- 3 Tenders
- 2 motions to reconsider
- 2 appointments
- 2 By-Law reading / introduction
- 1 adjournment
- Original Motion - 1 By-Law exception
Council Meeting and Special Council Meeting Records
(Source - Go to City of Kitchener Public Records
- Click on Minutes... Public Access Folders... Minutes by Year... Links)
Council Minutes 2010-12-06 – Inaugural - Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki; Seconded by Councillor P. Singh "That this inaugural meeting of City Council be adjourned." Carried.
Council Meeting 2010-12-20 Present
Special Council Meeting 2010-12-20 Present
Council Meeting 2011-01-10 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-10 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-17 Present
Council Meeting 2011-01-24 Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor F. Etherington "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-01-24 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-02-07 Present
Council Meeting 2011-02-14 On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, the minutes of the regular meeting held January 24, 2011 and special meetings held January 24 & February 7, 2011, as mailed to the Mayor and Councillors, were accepted.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. loannidis "That Tender T10-121, Supply and Delivery of Tires and Related Services, be awarded to Bast Tire & Auto Services Limited, Waterloo, Ontario, at their adjusted tendered price of $142,148.86, plus H.S.T. of $18,479.35, for a total of $160,628.21, for one (1) year, with an option to renew for four (4) additional twelve (12) month terms." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor F. Etherington "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the proceedings and the recorded pecuniary interests and conflicts taken in the meeting of the Committee of the Whole held this date, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes are hereby adopted and confirmed." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-02-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-01 Present
Council Meeting 2011-03-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-21 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-03-28 Councillor Z. Janecki challenged the Mayor's ruling. Mayor C. Zehr put the following question to the Council: "Will the ruling of the Mayor be sustained?" The ruling of the Mayor was sustained by a majority vote of the Council.
Special Council Meeting 2011-03-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-04-11 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-04-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-04-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-02 Present
Council Meeting 2011-05-09 Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried Unanimously.
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-09 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-05-30 Present
Council Meeting 2011-06-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-20 Present
Council Meeting 2011-06-27
-On motion by Councillor K. Galloway, seconded by Councillor P. Singh, Clause 8 of the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee report of this date was brought forward for consideration to approve a 200m sidewalk installation on Old Mill Road, between Sydenham Street and Pinnacle Drive, as part of the Old Mill Road Forcemain Replacement project. Councillor K. Galloway expressed support for compliance with the City's Pedestrian Charter and the need to have safe and accessible passages for all. She added that no lands are being expropriated as the sidewalk is to be installed on City-owned lands and suggested that there is need to work on streets where there is a disconnect to provide connectivity on at least one side of a street.
Councillor D. Glenn-Graham advised that while he supports safety, he was not in support of the sidewalk installation given the petitions presented and statements made that suggest a low volume of motor vehicle traffic. He added that sidewalk installation could be reconsidered at a later date if traffic volumes increase sufficiently to warrant further review. Councillor J. Gazzola was also not in support of the sidewalk installation given the majority of area residents are opposed. He stated that safety concerns, while valid, have not been an issue in the area and the installation will have impact to the heritage vista. Councillor Z. Janecki also opposed the sidewalk installation on the basis of its impact to the heritage features of the roadway, commenting that notwithstanding no buildings are designated they do have heritage value in dating back to the 1800's.
Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee be adopted." In regard to Clause 2 of the report, dealing with endorsement of a statement of Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, Mayor C. Zehr commented that the document is important in setting the tone for how the City will internally and externally address diversity and inclusion in daily business practices. Councillor Z. Janecki expressed difficulty in supporting the motion based on an uncertainty of the financial impact. Councillor J. Gazzola suggested that questions have not been answered in respect to how and what will be done and no indication has been given as to where problems exist, if any. He stated that he would oppose any form of a quota system and suggested that notwithstanding he would support the motion, more information is needed. Councillor Y. Fernandes expressed the opinion it should be common sense to ensure the best person is hired for the job and questioned how this initiative is to be rolled out. Ms. C. Ladd advised that what Council is being asked to approve this date is a statement of commitment to clearly indicate that addressing diversity and inclusion is an important priority for the City and this community. Staff is not asking for more funding or additional staff at this time, but rather will develop a strategy and a business plan over the coming months that will determine a recommended course of action for Council's consideration and direction. She added that diversity is not necessarily so much about programming as it is about educating and invoking a culture of understanding to be integrated into the Corporation's daily business practices. Councillor K. Galloway stressed the importance of understanding what is being asked this date and pointed out that any requests for funding support will have to come through future budget processes and be prioritized with all other budgetary matters. Councillor B. loannidis stated that he did not understand why costing has been raised as an issue at this time and suggested that the City must be forward thinking in all that it does. Mayor C. Zehr added that what is being endorsed does not in any way relate to a quota system but rather is a statement of principle. The Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee report was then voted on clause by clause Clause 2 -Carried, on a recorded vote. In favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, B. loannidis, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, S. Davey, F. Etherington and P. Singh Contra: None Absent: Councillor B. Vrbanovic Balance of report -Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-27 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-06-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-07-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-02 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-15
-Council considered a recommendation arising from the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting this date concerning the Southwest Urban Area Studies
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki Seconded by Councillor K. Galloway “That the Southwest Urban Area Studies: Community Master Plan, including supporting studies, prepared by The Planning Partnership et al., dated February 2011 as updated, be adopted; and, That Official Plan Amendment application 11/01/COK/JvW (Rosenberg Secondary Plan), to designate and redesignate lands located in the Southwest Urban Area (generally along Fischer Hallman Road from south of Rockwood Road to north of Plains Road and westerly along Bleams Road to Trussler Road) to a variety of land uses including: Mixed Use 2, Mixed Use 1, High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential 2, Medium Density Residential 1, Low Density Residential 2, Low Density Residential 1, Neighbourhood Institutional, Neighbourhood Park, Open Space and Natural Heritage Conservation and to amend existing Official Plan Maps 4, 5 and 8 and , in the form shown in the Official Plan Amendment 90 attached to Part 3, be adopted Community Services Department Report CSD-11-100 as Appendix ‘B’, and accordingly forwarded to the Region of Waterloo for approval; and, That the studies prepared in support of the Rosenberg Secondary Plan, including the Preliminary Noise Assessment (HGC Consultants, June 2011), Fischer Hallman Road Conceptual Streetscape Plan (The Planning Partnership, June 2011), Comprehensive Stormwater Management Strategy (AMEC, June 2011 as updated), Sanitary Servicing Overview (Engineering, July 2011), Transportation Assessment (Poulos & Chung) be adopted; and, That a new planning community titled, “Rosenberg” be created for lands subject to OPA 90 formerly application OP11/01/COK/JvW (known as the Southwest Urban Area) and that the Trussler and Huron Community boundaries and any mapping and policies be modified accordingly; and, That the remainder of the lands identified as ‘Areas Under Study’ and ‘Deferral 3a’ on Map 5-Land Use Plan of the City’s Official Plan that are outside of the Rosenberg Secondary Plan be reviewed as part of the new Official Plan or separate Official Plan Amendment Process; and, That any previous decisions on Official Plan Amendments within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area (i.e. former Industrial/Business Park City approvals) be rescinded; and, That landowners within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be respectfully requested to withdraw any existing private-initiated Official Plan Amendments within the subject area; and, That the proposed collector roads within the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be named as shown on Schedule ‘A’ of Official Plan Amendment No. 90; and, That the timing of development application and infrastructure consideration for the Rosenberg Secondary Plan area be referred to the Kitchener Growth Management Plan 2011 process for consideration by Committee of Council; and, That a potential future street between Fischer Hallman Road (near existing Plains Road intersection) and future Strasburg Road extension generally following the current City Urban Area boundary as conceptually illustrated in Appendix ‘A’ of Report CSD-11-100, be referred to the City’s Transportation Master Plan for future consideration; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to extend the planned iExpress bus service southerly on Fischer Hallman Road to a future transit hub south of Huron Road at an appropriate, yet early stage, of development of the Rosenberg Community; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to investigate the feasibility of a future Regional Road/Regional Road network enhancement that would provide an alternative route to by-pass Fischer Hallman Road before Huron Road and connect Highway 7/8 at Trussler Road/Ira Needles Boulevard with Highway 401 as conceptually illustrated in Appendix ‘A’ of Report CSD-11-100; and, That the Region of Waterloo be requested to advance the timing of the Class Environmental Assessment for Fischer Hallman Road and City staff be directed to expedite the Strasburg Creek Flood Control Environmental Assessment (Stantec) and any required revisions to the Fischer Hallman Road Culvert Class environmental Assessment; and, That staff be permitted to undertake appropriate/necessary grammatical and editorial changes to Official Plan Amendment 90 and application 11/01/COK/JvW (Rosenberg Secondary Plan), prior to those documents being considered by Regional Council; and, That staff continue to undertake discussions to address issues raised by stakeholders prior to approval being granted by the Region of Waterloo; and further, That Policy 5. of Section 5 Water Management contained in the Rosenberg Secondary Plan be replaced with the following: ‘The City of Kitchener shall complete the Strasburg Creek Flood Control Environmental Assessment (Stantec) prior to approvals of development applications for lands north of the Williamsburg Cemetery and recommendations made as part of the environmental assessment may impact development applications within the affected study area.’ " Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote by all members present.
Council Meeting 2011-08-29
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date was brought forward for consideration to list certain properties on the Municipal Heritage Register as non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest. Moved by Councillor K. Galloway Seconded by Councillor P. Singh "That Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be amended to provide that consideration to list 2091 Bleams Road on the Municipal Heritage Register as a non- designated property of cultural heritage value or interest in accordance with the Statement of Significance attached as an appendices to Community Services Department report CSD-11- 080, be deferred to the September 19, 2011 Council meeting to allow the property owner(s) to have further dialogue with the City's Heritage Planning staff as to what is involved in the process of listing the property." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be adopted, as amended." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be adopted." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-08-29 Present – In-Camera.
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-12 Present
Council Meeting 2011-09-19
-A motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor S. Davey, was brought forward to defer consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting to allow members of Council absent this date to be present during deliberation of the application. Mr. R. Gosse, Director of Legislated Services and City Clerk, clarified Council procedure in respect to the ability to hear delegations in light of the deferral motion, advising that the deferral motion is only debatable in terms of timing and would have to be voted on and defeated in order to proceed to hear the delegations this date. Mr. Gosse also clarified that in the event this occurs and deferral is desired subsequent to hearing the delegations, a motion to reconsider the issue of deferral would then be required.
Councillor Z. Janecki's motion to defer the matter was then voted on and LOST.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That Council re-consider its earlier decision not to defer consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting."
A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Councillors B. Vrbanovic, S. Davey, K. Galloway, Z. Janecki, B. loannidis, D. Glenn-Graham and P. Singh. Contra: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillor F. Etherington. Carried, with required 2/3 majority.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That consideration of Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-013 for 215 Old Carriage Drive be deferred to the October 3, 2011 Council meeting to allow members of Council absent this date to be present during deliberation of the application." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-19 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-09-26 Present
Council Meeting 2011-10-03 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-03 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-17 Present
Council Meeting 2011-10-24
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date, as amended, be adopted.” Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” Voted on Clause by Clause Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-10-24 Present
Special council Meeting 2011-11-01 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-07 Absent
Council Meeting 2011-11-14
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date was brought forward for consideration. Mr. Don Wright, Paid4Power Inc., spoke on behalf of the owner of 103 St. Clair Avenue, advising that the intent of installing the solar panels is to supplement retirement income. He stated that the manufacturer has indicated that they cannot produce functioning panels in a triangular shape and the only solution is to provide a false triangular panel that would not produce electricity. Mr. Wright advised that his client is willing to comply with the guidelines on the basis of the proposed alternative approach.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor J. Gazzola "That Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report of this date be amended to provide that Heritage Permit Application HPA 2011-V-021 requesting permission to install solar panels at 103 St Clair Avenue be approved subject to the applicant submitting revised drawings and specifications for black solar panels with black frames to match the shape of the roofline; and final building permit drawings being reviewed and clearance issued by Heritage Planning staff prior to issuance of a building permit." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-17 Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-11-28 Present
Council Meeting 2011-12-05 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2011-12-05 – Not Adopted Present - In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2011-12-21 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-09 Present
Council Meeting 2012-01-16
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. loannidis "That the application of T. A. Witzel Limited (SG 2011-015 -Victoria Street North (adjacent to Shirley Drive) requesting permission to replace a legal non-conforming billboard sign having static copy with a billboard sign of the same size having automatic changing copy in a P-3 zone whereas the Sign By-law does not permit billboard signs in a P-3 zone, on Part Lot 123, German Company Tract, Victoria Street North (adjacent to Shirley Drive), Kitchener, Ontario, BE APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. That the owner shall apply for and receive approval of a sign permit from the City of Kitchener for the proposed sign. 2. That the owner shall remove the non-complying third party (T.A. Appliance) billboard sign prior to receiving a sign permit from the City of Kitchener." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-19 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-01-30 Present
Council Meeting 2012-02-06
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Clause 4 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report was brought forward for consideration to approve the Zone Change Application for 1180 Countrystone Drive with a Special Regulation Provision to permit a maximum of 24 dwelling units, inclusive of duplexing. Councillor B. Vrbanovic stated that while Provincial legislation calls for greater intensification, good planning principles dictate a necessity to provide transition between different housing types. He requested clarification as to why a transition in housing type was not provided for in this instance. Mr. Willmer advised that the principles of planning apply and the test of compatibility was taken into consideration. He added that City staff worked with the Applicant to make changes to the site plan and in staffs’ opinion, it is appropriately compatible with the neighbourhood. He commented that transition is one way to achieve compatibility, but even where there are single family dwellings immediately adjacent to stacked townhouses this does not imply an absence of compatibility. He advised that the Planning Act as well as the City’s Official Plan speaks to the need for a variety of integration, which includes a variety of housing types and affordability ranges in a neighbourhood. He stated that staff consider all legislative requirements and weight these when making a recommendation on a zone change application. He added the very fact these townhouses may be priced differently than the neighbouring properties does not pose a problem from a planning perspective, given the diversity promoted by the City’s Official Plan. Responding to further questions, Mr. Willmer pointed out that if the number of units was reduced to
16 standard townhouses the massing would remain the same. He added instead of the stacked townhouses, the 16 units would be two-storey standard townhouses with finished basements. He noted that while the interior size of each unit would change, the main visual difference to the exterior would be the number of required parking spaces. He stated that such a difference is a matter of degree and opinion as to whether more parking would make this development less compatible with the neighbourhood. He indicated that it is the recommendation of the City’s Planning staff that the proposed 29 units would be compatible. Clause 4 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report to permit a maximum of 24 dwelling units was voted on and as a result of a tie on a recorded vote, with Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, F. Etherington, Z. Janecki, and D. Glenn-Graham voting in favour; and, Councillors B. Ioannidis, Y. Fernandes, K. Galloway, P. Singh and B. Vrbanovic voting in opposition. Councillor J. Gazzola was absent from this meeting. Mayor C. Zehr indicated that procedurally a determination needs to be made with respect to the subject Zone Change Application, as no status is currently afforded to it. LOST
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, Clause 5 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report was brought forward for consideration to direct staff to work with the property owner through the site plan approval process for Zone Change Application ZC 11/07/C/GS for Will-O Homes (C.S) Inc. at 1180 Countrystone Drive to provide for four specific site design elements. A motion was brought forward by Councillor Y. Fernandes, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to amend Clause 5 to add a further site design element requiring the construction of an eight-foot high sound barrier between the parking area of the proposed development and the rear-yards of the abutting residential properties. Mayor Zehr commented that he knows of no other neighbourhood within the City that has an eight- foot high noise attenuation wall separating two residential housing types, adding that it would not be appropriate for the area. Several Councillors spoke in support of the comments made by Mayor Zehr, suggesting that such a barrier would only worsen the impact of the proposed townhouse development and its integration into the neighbourhood. LOST
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic “That Clause 6 of the Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee report be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-02-06 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-02-27 Present
Council Meeting 2012-03-05 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-05 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-19 Present
Council Meeting 2012-03-26 Councillor Z. Janecki was in attendance for part of the meeting.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor J. Gazzola “That the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-03-26 Problems with loading the document from Cof K Web Site
Council Meeting 2012-04-23
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That consideration of Committee of Adjustment Submission FN 2012-002 (289 Overlea Drive), to allow time for staff to discuss this matter with the two affected property owners.” be deferred to a future Council meeting Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-04-23 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-07 Present
Council Meeting 2012-05-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-05-28
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That notwithstanding the direction given at the May 14, 2012 Council meeting, the Clerk shall postpone publishing the Notice of Intention to designate the property known as 324 Old Huron Road pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, until such time as draft approval has been given to Draft Plan of Subdivision (30T-11202), as outlined in Community Services Department report CSD-12-055." Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham "That the following properties in the former Village of Bridgeport, municipally addressed as 574, 595-599, 598-600, 606, 609 and 616 Lancaster Street West, not be listed on the Municipal Heritage Register as non-designated properties of cultural heritage value or interest as the original built structures have lost historical integrity due to a high degree of alterations." Carried.
Council Meeting 2012-06-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-18 Present – In-Camera
Council Meeting 2012-06-25
-On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, the minutes of the regular meeting held June 11, 2012 and special meetings held June 11 & 18, 2012, as mailed to the Mayor and Councillors, were accepted.
Special Council Meeting 2012-06-25 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2012-08-13 Present
Council Meeting 2012-08-27 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-08-27 Present
Council Meeting 2012-09-17
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham, To defer consideration of Committee of Adjustment Submission No. FN 2012-005 (47 Gravel Ridge Trail) to the October 1, 2012 Council meeting to allow time for staff to investigate the need to adjust the height of the fence to alleviate possible safety issues. Councillor K. Galloway advised that at the Committee of Adjustment meeting staff had indicated there were no pedestrian or vehicular safety issues present, as the fence is located outside of the corner visibility triangle and the driveway visibility triangle. Councillor Janecki’s deferral a recorded vote with Councillors Y. Fernandes, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, J. Gazzola and P. Singh voting in favour; and, Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, F. Etherington, B. Vrbanovic, B. Ioannidis and K. Galloway voting in opposition. LOST
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Clause 1 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report to refuse Zone Change Application ZC12/010/W/GS for Islamic Humanitarian Service at 60 Washburn Drive, be adopted.” A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors S. Davey, D. Glenn-Graham, B. Ioannidis P. Singh, Z. Janecki, J. Gazzola, F. Etherington, B. Vrbanovic and K. Galloway Contra: Councillors Y. Fernandes and J. Gazzola. Carried.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Clause 2 of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee report of this date, be adopted.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2012-09-24 Present
Council Meeting 2012-10-01 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-10-15 Present
Council Meeting 2012-10-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-10-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-05 Present
Council Meeting 2012-11-19
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That pursuant to Section 25.7.15 of Chapter 25 of the Municipal Code (Council Procedure), the following motion adopted by Council on October 22, 2012, be reconsidered: ‘That consideration of the following recommendation to designate 7 Floral Crescent be deferred to the (Rockway Gardens), under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, February 4, 2013 Council meeting to allow time for the completion of the Rockway feasibility study and business case analysis: ‘That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property known as 7 Floral Crescent (Rockway Gardens), as being of cultural heritage value and interest, with specific recognition given to Rockway Gardens being identified as a cultural heritage landscape.’” Questions were raised regarding the current condition of Rockway Gardens as well as the adjacent Rockway Seniors Centre, located at 1405 King Street East. Mr. M. May, Deputy CAO – Community Services, advised that he is unaware of any changes and / or threats that might negatively impact those properties between now and when the proposed designations are to be considered at the February 4, 2013 Council meeting. He confirmed that Phase I of the Rockway feasibility study and business case analysis is done; however, the specific heritage attributes pertaining to those sites will not be known until Phase II has been completed. Councillor Janecki advised that he does not have any information regarding an imminent threat to Rockway Gardens. He stated that the proposed reconsideration was being brought forward as it seemed that at the October 22, 2012 Council meeting the designation of Rockway Gardens got intertwined with the designation of the Rockway Seniors Centre. He suggested that as the anticipated feasibility study primarily relates to the future use of the Rockway Seniors Centre, there is no reason why the City should not move forward with issuing the Notice of Intention to designate Rockway Gardens. Councillor Janecki’s motion to reconsider was then voted on a recorded vote with Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes and F. Etherington voting in favour; and Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors B. Ioannidis, K. Galloway-Sealock, S. Davey, B. Vrbanovic and P. Singh voting in opposition. LOST
-Councillor Janecki’s motion to reconsider was then voted on and on a recorded vote, with Councillors J. Gazzola, D. Glenn-Graham, Z. Janecki, Y. Fernandes and F. Etherington voting in favour; and Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors B. Ioannidis, K. Galloway-Sealock, S. Davey, B. Vrbanovic and P. Singh voting in opposition. On motion by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, Clause 2 of the Heritage Kitchener report was brought forward for consideration, recommending the designation of 500 Stauffer Drive as cultural heritage resources under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to defer consideration of this matter to the December 3, 2012 Council meeting, to allow time for additional information to be provide as to what occurred at the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting. Councillor Galloway-Sealock expressed concerns with Council considering the proposed designation of 500 Stauffer Drive. She indicated that the minutes from the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting have yet to be circulated; and therefore, Council is unaware of the reasoning behind the subject recommendation. She added that while Council receives a copy of the Heritage Kitchener meeting agenda, at times it is circulated up to six weeks prior to when Council considers the recommendations from Heritage Kitchener. She suggested that in the future, the pertinent Heritage Planning staff reports should be re-circulated with the Council agenda. Carried
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor “That the balance of the report of Heritage Kitchener be adopted.” A motion was brought forward by Councillor K. Galloway-Sealock, seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis, to defer consideration of Clause 1 of the Committee’s report to the December 3, 2012 Council meeting, to allow time for additional information to be provide as to what occurred at the November 6, 2012 Heritage Kitchener meeting. Councillor Galloway-Sealock expressed concerns that Council was being asked to render a decision on this matter without information as to the context within which Heritage Kitchener made its recommendation. She reiterated her previous request to have the pertinent Heritage Planning staff reports re-circulated as part of Council’s agenda package. Mr. M. May agreed to work with Legislated Services staff to ensure that in the future Council receives all of the materials necessary to render a decision. In response to questions regarding the Heritage Kitchener recommendations, Mr. J. Willmer, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), clarified that the house at 397 Gravel Ridge Trail, was previously located on Bleams Road and referred to as the Eby Estate Farmhouse. He advised that the former landowner, the developer and the City identified that the farmhouse had significant cultural heritage value, adding that the house was moved so that it could be conserved and incorporated in a prominent location in what is now the existing Eby Estate Subdivision. He stated that the Notice of Intention to designate was approved by Council in 2007; however, shortly thereafter the building was damaged by a fire. He noted that with the restorations now complete and the plan of subdivision registered, consideration can be given to passing the designating by-law. Councillor J. Gazzola, spoke in opposition to the proposed deferral, indicating that the four members of Council who sit on Heritage Kitchener attended the November 6, 2012 meeting and confirmed the information that was conveyed by Mr. Willmer. He noted that at this time Council is only being requested to direct staff to prepare the designating by-law, which would be brought forward for consideration at a later date. LOST
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-19 The following were nominated for Chair of the Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee: Councillors Z. Janecki and B. Vrbanovic. The approved voting procedure was then utilized which resulted in Councillor B. Vrbanovic being appointed as Chair. Councillor Z. Janecki was appointed Vice-Chair.
Special Council Meeting 2012-11-26 Present
Council Meeting 2012-12-03
-A motion was brought forward for consideration by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes, directing the Clerk to publish a Notice of Intention to designate 500 Stauffer Drive pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, listed as item 7 a) under Unfinished Business. Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; econded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That pursuant to Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to publish a Notice of Intention to designate the property municipally addressed as 500 Stauffer Drive, as being of cultural heritage value or interest.” Carried Unanimously on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2012-12-03 Present – In-Camera
Council Meeting 2012-12-17 Councillor Z. Janecki declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Tier 1 Community Grant proposed for the Kitchener-Waterloo Community Orchestra, as he is a member of the Board of Directors; and accordingly, did not take part in any discussion or voting regarding this matter.
Special Council Meeting 2012-12-17 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-07 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-01-17 (Budget) Present
Council Meeting 2013-02-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-02-04 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-02-25
- Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes "That Beverley Glenn- Graham be appointed to Heritage Kitchener as the Committee's representative from the Civic Centre Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District for a term expiring November 30, 2014." Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-03-04 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-04 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-18 Present
Council Meeting 2013-03-25 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-03-25 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-08 Councillor Z. Janecki nominated Ms. Megan Renkema to fill the vacant position on the KPL Board. Councillor B. Vrbanovic expressed concern with the not approving the recommendation that was put forward by the KPL Board. He cautioned Council against second guessing the membership evaluation process undertaken by the KPL, commenting that they would be more familiar with which of the 23 applicants would best meet their needs. The approved voting procedure used for appointments to Committees was then utilized, resulting in Erin Rudland being appointed to the KPL Board.
Council Meeting 2013-04-15 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-15 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-22 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-23 Present
Council Meeting 2013-04-29 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-29 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-04-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-06 Present
Council Meeting 2013-05-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-13 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-05-27 Present
Council Meeting 2013-06-10
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn-Graham “That Tender T13-038 – One (1) 19,504 kg (43,000 lb.) G.V.W. Single Rear Axle Conventional Team Cab and Chassis complete with Side Dump Sander Body and Front Plow be awarded to Truck Centres (London) Limited, London, Ontario, at their tendered price of $167,508.71, plus optional hydraulic cable operated wing of $18,270., plus H.S.T. of $24,151.23, for a total of $209,929.94.” - and - “That Tender T13-039 – One (1) 93 kw (126 net peak horse power to ISO 9249) Standard All-Wheel Drive Rubber Tired Industrial Tractor with Front End Loader and an Extendable Toromont CAT, Cambridge, Ontario, Backhoe, be awarded to at their tendered price of $162,499., plus Optional training/operation video of $125., plus Optional OEM training for mechanical staff of $2,400., plus H.S.T. of $21,453.12, for a total of $186,477.12.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-033 – Consultant Services – King Edward Neighbourhood Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Waterloo, Ontario Road Reconstruction be awarded to at their estimated fee of $449,350., including contingencies of $40,850. plus H.S.T. of $58,415.50, for a total of $507,765.50, based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - IRC Building “That Expression of Interest E13-015 Roof Consulting Services, be awarded to Sciences Group Inc, London, Ontario at their estimated fee for a period of three years with an option for one additional one year period.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-050 – Consultant Services – Development Charge Hemson Consulting Background Study and Draft Development Charge Bylaw, be awarded to Ltd., Toronto, Ontario at their estimated fee of $148,343., plus H.S.T. of $19,285., for a total of $167,627., based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-049 Consultant Services – 2013 Bridge Investigations, be K. Smart Associates Limited, Kitchener, Ontario awarded to at their estimated fee of $39,693.50, including ontingencies of $3,608.50 plus H.S.T. of $5,160.15, for a total of $44,853.65, based on a satisfactory contract being negotiated and an upset fee being established.” - and - “That Tender T13-040 – Resurrection Drive SWM Facility (650006) Retrofit, be awarded to 2220742 Ontario Ltd., Milton, Ontario including provisional items and contingencies of $82,630., plus H.S.T. of $65,261.72., for a total of $567,274.97.” - and - “That Expression of Interest E13-035 – Consultant Services – Five (5) Year Fire Master Plan, Dillon Consulting Limited, Kitchener, Ontario be awarded to at their estimated fee of $75,800., plus H.S.T. of $9,854., for a total of $85,654., based on a satisfactory contract eing negotiated and an upset fee being established.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-10 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-17 Present
Council Meeting 2013-06-24 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-06-24 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-08-12
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey “That leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce the following by-laws for three readings and that the same be taken as read a first, second and third times, be finally passed and numbered serially by the Clerk. (a) Being a by-law to amend By-law 2011-101 to extend the time period for exemption from Part Lot Control – Blocks 2,3 and 7 and Part of Blocks 1, 4, 5 and 8, Registered Plan 58M- 365 – Deer Creek Street. (By-law No. 2013-097) (b) Being a by-law to amend Chapter 650 of the City of Kitchener Municipal Code with respect to Lot Maintenance. (By-law No. 2013-098) (c) To confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council. (By-law No. 2013-099).” Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-08-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-08-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-09 Present
Council Meeting 2013-09-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-16 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2013-09-30 A special meeting of City Council was held at 1:22 p.m. this date, chaired by Acting Mayor Z. Janecki with all members present except Mayor C. Zehr and Councillor B. Vrbanovic.
Council Meeting 2013-10-07
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey "That pursuant to Section 25.5.5(b) of Chapter 25 of the Municipal Code (Council Procedure), Mr. Harald Drewitz be permitted to address Council this date regarding Kitchener Utilities gas supply program, which was not listed on the Council agenda." Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2013-10-21
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor F. Etherington, seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic, to approve Tender T13 -072 (Washroom Construction, Victoria Park) as outlined in Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS -13 -144, by incorporating the funding options outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS -13 -089. Clarification was requested as to how the proposed motion differentiated from the one originally considered at the September 16, 2013 Council meeting, which was subsequently the subject of a motion to reconsider at the September 30, 2013 special Council meeting. Mayor C. Zehr ruled that Councillor Etherington's motion was in order, advising that he was bringing forward the original tender recommendation, which was not dealt with at the September 16, 2013 meeting. He added that what was dealt with at that time was a separate motion by Councillor B. Vrbanovic which directed staff to work with the low bidder to reduce the project's cost. He stated that the original staff recommendation contained in Report FCS -13 -144 was never put on the table. He added that had the original motion been put forward and then the amendment, it would have been considered separately. He noted that as it was, the original motion was not dealt with by Council. In response to questions, Mr. C. Goodeve, Deputy City Clerk, advised that Robert's Rules of Order dictates that a motion is out of order if it has substantially the same intent or asks substantially the same question as a motion that was previously voted on. He confirmed that ultimately, it is the meeting chair's responsibility to determine if a motion is in order.
Councillor S. Davey challenged the Mayor's ruling Mayor Zehr put the following question to Council: "Will the ruling of the Mayor be sustained ?" The ruling of the Mayor was Sustained on a recorded vote, with Mayor C. Zehr, and Councillors B. Vrbanovic, K. Galloway - Sealock, D. Glenn- Graham, F. Etherington, P. Singh and B. loannidis voting in favour; and, Councillors J. Gazzola, S. Davey and Z. Janecki voting in opposition. Councillor Y. Fernandes was not in attendance and accordingly did not vote on this matter. Councillors J. Gazzola and Z. Janecki expressed concern with the interpretation that Councillor Etherington's motion was in order and left the meeting at this time. An amendment was brought forward by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham, seconded by Councillor P. Singh to change the concrete walkway proposed for the washrooms in Victoria Park to an asphalt
walkway, which was voted on and was LOST.
-Moved by Councillor F. Etherington Seconded by Councillor B. Vrbanovic "That Tender T13 -072 (Washroom Construction, Victoria Park) as outlined in Finance and Corporate Services Department report FCS -13 -144, be approved, by incorporating the funding options outlined in Infrastructure Services Department report INS -13- 089." A recorded vote was requested. In Favour: Mayor C. Zehr and Councillors K. Galloway - Sealock, B. loannidis, B. Vrbanovic, D. Glenn- Graham and F. Etherington Contra: Councillors S. Davey and P. Singh Absent: Councillors Y. Fernandes, Z. Janecki and J. Gazzola Motion Carried.
Council Meeting 2013-10-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-10-28 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-11-18 Present
Council Meeting 2013-11-25
-Councillor Z. Janecki requested that Clause 5 of the Committee report be voted on separately. Voted on clause by clause. Clause 5 — Carried, on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-02 Present
Council Meeting 2013-12-09 Councillor Z. Janecki declared a pecuniary interest with respect to the Tier 1 Grant allocation to the K -W Community Orchestra, listed as Clause 3 on the Community and Infrastructure Services Committee report as he is a member of that organization; and accordingly, he did not take part in any discussion or voting regarding that matter.
-A motion was brought forward by Councillor Z. Janecki, seconded by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham recommending that consideration of the installation of a sidewalk on the north side of Glasgow Street from Westmount Road to Knell Drive, be referred to the January 13, 2014 Community and Infrastructure Services Committee meeting to allow time for staff to prepare a report on this matter. Councillor S. Davey requested that staff include information as to the terminus of the sidewalk and whether it is anticipated to be extended in the future beyond Knell Drive. Councillor D. Glenn- Graham requested that the staff report should also address any possible risk management concerns with a sidewalk adjacent to a golf course; the varying standards in relation to bus stops; the narrowing of Glasgow Street as a traffic calming measure; and, any tree preservation measures in the subject area. Councillor Z. Janecki indicated that he would be organizing a meeting with the delegations, the City and staff from the Region of Waterloo to discuss some of these matters prior to this item coming forward on January 13, 2013. Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor D. Glenn- Graham
"That consideration of the installation of a sidewalk on the north side of Glasgow Street from Westmount Road to Knell Drive, be referred to the January 13, 2014 Community and Infrastructure Services Committee meeting to allow time for staff to report back with additional
information regarding issues related to the proposed sidewalk. Carried Unanimously.
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-09 Present
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-12 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2013-12-18 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-01-13 Present
Council Meeting 2014-01-27
-At the request of Councillor Z. Janecki, it was agreed to amend Clause 1 of the Heritage Kitchener report to include the word “North” following Cedar Street. Carried.
Special Meeting Council 2014-01-27 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-01-30 BY-LAW FOR THREE READINGS
Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor B. Ioannidis “That leave be given the Mover and Seconder to introduce a by-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council and that the same be taken as read a first, second and third times, be finally passed and numbered 2014-016 by the Clerk.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-03 Present
Council Meeting 2014-02-10 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE – On motion, the Council resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole to consider its agenda and Mayor C. Zehr appointed Councillor Z. Janecki as Chair. On motion, the Council rose from the Committee of the Whole and Mayor C. Zehr occupied the Chair.
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor Y. Fernandes “That the proceedings and the recorded pecuniary interests and conflicts taken in the meeting of the Committee of the Whole held this date, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes are hereby adopted and confirmed.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-10 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2014-02-24 Present
Council Meeting 2014-03-03 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-03 Absent
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-17 Present
Council Meeting 2014-03-31 Present – nothing
Special Council Meeting 2014-03-31
-Councillor Z. Janecki requested that Clause 2 of the Committee report be voted on separately. Voted on clause by clause. Clause 2 — Carried, on a recorded vote.
Special Council Meeting 2014-04-07 Present
Council Meeting 2014-04-14 Present
Special council Meeting 2014-04-14 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-04-28 Present
Council Meeting 2014-05-05
-Moved by Councillor Z. Janecki ; Seconded by Councillor S. Davey “That Tender T14-032 – Stirling Avenue (East Avenue to Weber Street) Road Reconstruction, Regional Sewer and Watermain Ltd., Cambridge, Ontario be awarded to at their tendered price of $1,370,149.70, including provisional items and contingencies of $136,325., plus H.S.T. of $178,119.46, for a total of $1,548,269.16.” -and - Bomar “That Tender T14-031 Phase 2 Expansion of Williamsburg Cemetery , be awarded to Landscaping Inc., Guelph, Ontario at their tendered price of $389,885., plus provisional items of $31,516.80, plus H.S.T. of $54,782.23, for a total of $476,184.03.” Carried.
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-05 Present – In-Camera
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-12 Present
Council Meeting 2014-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-05-26 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-09 Present
Council Meeting 2014-06-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-16 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-23 Present
Council Meeting 2014-06-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-06-30 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-08-11 Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-08-25 – Not Adopted Present
Council Meeting 2014-08-25 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-09-08 – Not Adopted Present
Special Council Meeting 2014-09-15 – Not Adopted Present
Council Meeting 2014-09-15 - Not Adopted Present