Debates & Issues
Below are our two Ward 8 Kitchener debates followed by a live video conversation:
Rogers Kitchener Ward 8 Debate (YouTube)
Debate Presented by Victoria Hills/Westmount Neighbourhood Associations (Facebook)
#TeaWithHannahMarie (Facebook)
Rogers Kitchener Ward 8 Debate (YouTube)
Debate Presented by Victoria Hills/Westmount Neighbourhood Associations (Facebook)
#TeaWithHannahMarie (Facebook)
Below are links (that can be accessed by clicking on the picture) to articles that shed light onto the current incumbent's record in Ward 8. Along with the articles are my own editorial comments.

We Should Be Building Bridges Not Walls
Words matter. Words set a tone. Words from our elected officials, people whom we should look to for guidance and reassurance particularly resonate with citizens. One only has to look South to realize that. Councillor Zyg Janecki has done a dis-service to Kitchener citizens by marginalizing neighbourhoods and calling residents “bad.”
All the great work that has gone into the Kitchener “LovemyHood” campaign can be destroyed in one fell swoop when we label neighbourhoods and pit citizens against each other. Councillor Janecki had a great opportunity to literally build bridges and instead he chose the low road.- Margaret Johnston
Words matter. Words set a tone. Words from our elected officials, people whom we should look to for guidance and reassurance particularly resonate with citizens. One only has to look South to realize that. Councillor Zyg Janecki has done a dis-service to Kitchener citizens by marginalizing neighbourhoods and calling residents “bad.”
All the great work that has gone into the Kitchener “LovemyHood” campaign can be destroyed in one fell swoop when we label neighbourhoods and pit citizens against each other. Councillor Janecki had a great opportunity to literally build bridges and instead he chose the low road.- Margaret Johnston

Let's Talk About Weather
I believe in evidence-based decision making. I believe in using science to help Councillor's make the best decisions possible. I was disappointed in Councillor Janecki's opposition to the Community Climate Action Plan which commits to a Green House Gas reduction target, with unanimous municipal and regional support of 80% reduction by 2050 because he doesn't “see it (pollution) out there.” - Margaret Johnston
I believe in evidence-based decision making. I believe in using science to help Councillor's make the best decisions possible. I was disappointed in Councillor Janecki's opposition to the Community Climate Action Plan which commits to a Green House Gas reduction target, with unanimous municipal and regional support of 80% reduction by 2050 because he doesn't “see it (pollution) out there.” - Margaret Johnston

7 Vital Qualities to Look for in your Local Leaders
Relationship builder Prepared
Team player Financial acumen
Emotionally mature
Critical thinker
Relationship builder Prepared
Team player Financial acumen
Emotionally mature
Critical thinker